Sister Jones and the Laurels planned a fun activity to get the youth together and to teach them how to interact with one another. It was a great activity and the kids were paired up by throwing a basket ball through the ring when they made it through they chose a number and the girl who brought the matching number picnic to that number shared her dinner and the boys dessert with him. Some of the kids really enjoyed cooking some really outstanding meals. I think the most fancy dinners were probably Jessica's and Tara's. I think there was even some competition for one of those picnic baskets. The boys brought some tasty desserts.
Gabriel brought the most sought after Chocolate mouse with
raspberry sauce!
MMMMM Gotta get that recipe!
After Dinner the kids tried to learn some fun swing dancing. Brett and sister Jones were practicing. Notice in the background the fun girls making up their own swing dance!! And the boys that had their own version also!! Overall it was a fun activity and clean-up went quickly! Thanks to all who helped out, and to the moms who helped cook!